Investigators network & experts


Artialis has built a trusted investigator network having the expertise to conduct clinical trials in our therapeutics area. Our investigators include rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons, revalidation and rehabilitation specialists, sport medicine specialists, physiotherapists, geriatricians, and gastroenterologists. Sites facilities are universities and private Hospitals from small, and mid-size to big institutes.

More than 100 trusted investigators are working with us in Belgium, a country leading the way in clinical trials, but also in France and Eastern European countries.

Artialis will take care of :

  • Country and sites feasibilities with questionnaires and pre-visit

  • Sites identification and selection including pharmacies, laboratories, imaging department  and/or other specific department(s) implicated in the trial and PIs

  • Budget negotiation

  • Site contract management

  • Site payment during the trial

  • Subjects compensation for visits

Thanks to a extended KOLs and experts network, Artialis can build and manage scientific boards and Data Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMB) This includes selection, management of contract, charter development, meetings, and reports.



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